Instagram content strategy guide – how to determine what to post (video)

The great 1960s essayist Joan Didion said, “I write entirely to find out what I’m thinking, what I’m looking at, what I see and what it means. What I want and what I fear.”

Stephen King is similarly quoted as saying, “I write to find out what I think.”

The thinking behind both of these is expressed really well in this video on Instagram content strategy – that it is through articulation that we come to know our thoughts and opinions, and that articulation is key to expertise. In writing we formulate our thoughts and in making them clearer to ourselves become more articulate in our thinking and our expression.

Enter Instagram – up there with one of the most prevalent platforms for self-expression, and that now applies not only to individuals but to brands too. So, how do we decide what to post on Instagram, or social media generally, and how?

Watch this in-depth whiteboard session by The Futur on Instagram content strategy to dive deep into this topic.

Digital tools and tips to ease your online workflow

In the midst of the COVID-19 lockdown I was invited to host an online discussion for The Strategy Circle entitled “Digital tools and tips to ease your online workflow”. Coming from a broad digital background including online publishing, content marketing, web development and project management, this is a vast topic for me to approach – as diverse as business itself. It’s tough to hone in, in enough detail, in a way that covers everybody’s unique business needs in an hour discussion.

The way I see it, “online” or “digital” is no longer a tool you sometimes use or a division of your company – for many businesses it’s the future (if not present!) of your business operations. The COVID-19 lockdown period has catapulted many businesses from digital reluctants to a state of more tech savvy than they’ve ever been – and learning. And it’s a future that, now more than ever, we all have to embrace as a new reality.

As a follow-up I promised to share a list of some of my favourite online tools that for me really help to save time, streamline workflows, increase productivity, save money or really just put important business systems in place. I’ll do that here, so that I can share it easily with those who were – and weren’t – at the workshop session, and I’ll add to it over time as things change or new tools come up.

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Surviving COVID-19: here’s how businesses are innovating in a time of crisis

Now is the time for businesses to act fast. We’re seeing local businesses adapt their strategies with smart marketing ideas and operational gear shifts — while some are starting new endeavours altogether. Here are some tools to ensure your business survives the time of crisis while you keep connected with your customers, clients and tribe-at-large during this global pandemic.

Photo by David Hofmann on Unsplash

The world is in a panic and it’s easy to see why: countries have closed their borders, cities are shutting down, the economy is at a borderline standstill and some of us haven’t left the house in more than a week and counting. This is particularly scary for businesses that require physical interaction and real-world services to bring in money: restaurants and the hospitality industry, exercise and educational classes, anyone in the events industry and entertainment, production-heavy businesses with large teams working in factories or workshops. The list is long and businesses are shutting down at the mere possibility of a month without revenue. In South Africa where so much is hand-to-mouth, that is the reality many businesses face.

On the other hand, we’re seeing businesses innovate in ways they never have before.

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Coffee with Skinny laMinx’s Heather Moore

Sit down with Heather Moore and Laura Turok of Skinny laMinx over coffee and date balls in a buzzing Cape Town café. Heather’s textile brand (named after her Siamese cat!) is a gorgeous Cape Town success story of a small female-owned and run business that’s grown to be massively popular with fans and customers around the world. We absolutely love her patterned tea towels and her new Colour Pop Pillows, which complete her range of Palette + Print scatter cushions.

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Workshop: Optimise your online presence on a budget

Cash flow is a real thing! We hear you and we understand that often, especially if you’re running a small business, you simply don’t have the budget for elaborate marketing campaigns (even though you know it is very important).

That’s why we’re lending a helping hand in the form of an interactive workshop to share with you everything we know about optimising your web presence on a budget.

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C… how to do it on Instagram

Today Instagram, the social media network that started out as a photo editing app for iOS back in 2010, has 500 million users, of which 60% use Instagram every single day, according to the official Instagram blog.

That’s an impressive number for a social media channel driven exclusively by photos and videos. It’s a channel that brands with a creative/design slant can’t afford to ignore. The key to a successful Instagram account is a strategic and consistent approach, underpinned by plenty of creativity and clear communication.

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Why a content calendar is a good plan

“Plans are of little importance, but planning is essential”, Winston Churchill once said.

These wise words are especially relevant to content calendars. The content calendar itself is not as important as it is to use it for guiding your content production and dissemination.

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Content marketing tools and resources for small businesses

Content marketing is an essential part of growing your brand and business, but it can be a very time-consuming – and even challenging – task if it’s not your main area of expertise.

When it comes to optimising and streamlining your content marketing efforts using the right tool for the job can improve your productivity tenfold
Here are some of our favourite and most frequently used tools. Many of them are free or come at a minimal fee.

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