Workshop: Optimise your online presence on a budget

Cash flow is a real thing! We hear you and we understand that often, especially if you’re running a small business, you simply don’t have the budget for elaborate marketing campaigns (even though you know it is very important).

That’s why we’re lending a helping hand in the form of an interactive workshop to share with you everything we know about optimising your web presence on a budget.

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Why a content calendar is a good plan

“Plans are of little importance, but planning is essential”, Winston Churchill once said.

These wise words are especially relevant to content calendars. The content calendar itself is not as important as it is to use it for guiding your content production and dissemination.

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Content marketing tools and resources for small businesses

Content marketing is an essential part of growing your brand and business, but it can be a very time-consuming – and even challenging – task if it’s not your main area of expertise.

When it comes to optimising and streamlining your content marketing efforts using the right tool for the job can improve your productivity tenfold
Here are some of our favourite and most frequently used tools. Many of them are free or come at a minimal fee.

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